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Posted 15 Mar 2024

3 min read

Why in the News?

Recently, 200th birth anniversary of renowned social and religious reformer Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati was commemorated. 


About Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati (1824-1883)

  • Early Life
    • He was born in Tankara in the state of Gujarat.
    • His father’s and mother’s name was Karsan Ji Tiwari and Amritbai, respectively. 
    • His childhood name was Moola Shankar, he was also called Dayaram
  • Education and Enlightenment
    • He attained enlightenment on the occasion of fasting on the day of Shivratri. 
    • By the age of 14, he had gained knowledge of the Yajurveda and hymns from the other Vedas.
    • He received education from Guru Virjanand Ji in Mathura. 
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Key Contribution and Relevance of Ideas and Principles in Present Scenario




  • He considered Vedas as rock-bed of Hinduism and infallible, being the inspired one of God.
  • His aim was to re-establish the teachings of the Vedas.
  • He advocated for Suddhi movement to reconvert the other sects to Hindu order.
  • He established Arya Samaj (1875) as a reformist organization. 
    • The first Arya Samaj unit was formally set up at Mumbai (then Bombay) and later headquarter was established at Lahore
    • It condemned ritualistic practices like polytheism, idol worship, pilgrimage and bathing in holy rivers, animal sacrifice, offering in temples, sponsoring priesthood etc.
    • It opposed child marriages and supported widow remarriage
    • It is based on 10 principles propounded by him, which were based on the Vedas. 
    • It also stood for the upliftment of depressed classes.
  • He criticized the activities like superstition, etc.  Many of these elements are still being performed.  These are against the scientific temper.  Therefore, his ideas need to be propagated to enlighten people. 
  • In 19th century, he promoted the idea of widow remarriage which is still not accepted by large number of people.  Such narrow and patriarchal mind-set can be reformed by propagating his noble ideas.   
  • His teachings are still relevant as society is facing many social issues such as corruption, caste based discrimination etc. 


  • He established Gurukulas and Girl’s Gurukulas.
  • The DAV (Dayanand Anglo Vedic) schools came into existence in 1886 to realize his vision.
  • The first DAV School was established at Lahore with Mahatma Hansarj as the headmaster.
  • He was of the view that education should be for all it will play key role in development of the society. 
  • In the current scenario also, it has relevance in empowering everyone especially people from marginalised section such as scheduled castes.  

Political Consciousness

  • He also worked to promote national awakening.
  • He was the first to give the call for Swaraj as "India for Indian" in 1876.
  • Idea of national awakening is still relevant but only objective has changed. At that time, we were fighting with the British but now we have to fight pressing issues such as communalism, terrorism, poverty etc. 

Literary Work

  • Satyarth Prakash; Sanskarvidhi, Yajurved Bhashyam, Veda Bhashya Bhumika etc. 
  • Edited journal named Arya Patrika edited by him also reflects his thought.
  • His literary works are carrying forward his ideas to the masses. 



Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati had immensely contributed in the different spheres of life. The noble ideas and thought promoted by him are still relevant and they are acting as guiding principles for the nation. 

  • Tags :
  • Arya Samaj
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