GREY-ZONE WARFARE | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 15 Mar 2024

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Why in the News?

India’s Chief of Defence Staff highlighted issue of Grey-zone warfare during the discussion over informal wars at the 9th edition of Raisina Dialogue.


More about the News

  • Chief of Defence Staff said this is being used in the South China Sea and along India’s northern borders. 
  • Also, as per reports, China is using grey-zone warfare tactics against Taiwan
  • Experts from US and European have characterised certain Russian and Chinese actions of late as examples of grey zone warfare.

Why Grey-zone Warfare is preferred over other methods?

  • The cost of conventional conflict in the nuclear era has grown too steep, and the risk of escalation too profound. Therefore nations use it to promote their national objectives through it.
  • Nations which do not have access to massive resources or power, prefer this type of warfare







About Grey-zone Warfare

  • Grey-zone Warfare involves the use of unconventional tactics and strategies that fall below the threshold of traditional warfare.
    • It aims to harm an adversary without them feeling threatened or realising they are under attack.
    • E.g. Salami slicing practice of China. It is a strategy that involves taking over territory in a very gradual manner, testing the opponent’s limits of threshold.
      • It has been allegedly used by China for territorial expansion in the South China Sea.
  • In Grey Zone Warfare, activities are generally unseen and insidious. 
    • There are no rules and the front line is everywhere.
  • The dividend of the grey-zone warfare action may be available only after a long time.
  • It tends to escalate in multiple dimensions and leads to unintended over-escalation


Key Activities/Components

  • Cyber Operations: It includes hacking and stealing data, corrupting data, spreading disinformation, and conducting cyber espionage etc. 
    • It disrupts critical infrastructure, political systems, or economy without causing direct physical harm. E.g. Cyber-attack at power grid in Maharashtra.
  • Information Warfare:  Psychological operations are used to shape public opinion, create divisions, and undermine trust in institutions within the target nation. 
    • E.g. Propaganda, rumours and fake news, social media manipulation, etc. 
  • Support to Proxy Forces: Under it, support is provided to non-state actors, insurgents, or militias.  It enables enemies to fulfil their objective without officially engaging in direct conflict.
    •  E.g. Insurgent, naxals groups in India receive support from foreign Agencies. 
  • Economic Coercion: It includes imposition of sanctions, trade restrictions, or manipulating financial markets to undermine the target nation’s economy or coerce policy changes without resorting to military action.
    • E.g. China imposed more trade restrictions as a punitive action against Australia. 
  • Political Subversion: It undermines political and administrative system. It includes covert means to influence elections, manipulate political processes, etc.
    • E.g. Alleged involvement of Russia in Presidential election in US
  • Other: Irregular Warfare (such as guerrilla warfare), Legal and Diplomatic Manoeuvring, Military Intimidation etc.

Key Initiatives which helped India to counter Grey-zone warfare

  • Chief of Defence Staff: It helped in improving coordination, tri-service effectiveness and overall integration of the combat capabilities of the Indian armed forces. 
  • Modernization: Government is promoting infusion of technology into its war-fighting systems, with various focus areas identified for the infantry, mechanized forces, artillery, air defence, aviation, engineers, signals and logistics.
    • Army is also leveraging the vibrant start-up ecosystem under the iDEX (innovations for defence excellence) initiative. 
  • Self-reliance in Defence Manufacturing:  Government is promoting it with the help of initiative like Defence Procurement Procedure (DAP) 2020, etc.
  • Cooperation with like-minded country: E.g. India has signed agreements like General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) with US. 
  • Other: Establishment of Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), nodal agency for tackling cyber security threat etc. 











Way Forward: Measures which will help India in Tackling Grey Zone Warfare 

  • Formation of Theatre Commands: The formation of ‘theatre commands’ would contribute to the optimisation of resources and ensure unity of command. 
  • Promoting Capability: Emphasis should be given on enhancing informational warfare capability and raising the Special Operations, Cyber and Space Commands must be undertaken at the earliest. 
  • Active Monitoring and Early Warning Systems: Develop advance systems to keep eye across various domains (cyber, information, political, etc.) to detect early signs of Grey Zone attempts and respond promptly.
  • Deterrence through Capability Demonstration: Capabilities in cyber, information, economic, other domains can be showcased on a regular basis to deter adversaries. 
    • India needs to clearly and consistently communicate red lines and consequences for certain unacceptable actions.
  • Other: Counter disinformation, prevent funding to insurgent groups etc. 

Raisina Dialogue 

  • It is India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geo-economics committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the global community.
  • It is hosted by the Observer Research Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of External Affairs
  • The theme of the 2024 edition is Chaturanga: Conflict, Contest, Cooperate, Create.
  • Tags :
  • War
  • Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In)
  • Chief of Defence Staff
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