AI AND CREATIVITY | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 15 Mar 2024

3 min read

Why in the News?

Recently, a music composer utilized Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to recreate the voices of deceased singers.


More about the News

  • A 2020 World Economic Forum (WEF) study projected that AI would eliminate 85 million jobs by 2025 while creating 97 million new ones. 
  • The emergence of AI in art, exemplified by digitally resurrecting deceased celebrities, has brought forth complex challenges.
  • As AI becomes integrated into various artistic processes, questions arise regarding the ethical and legal boundaries governing its use.


Positives of AI in Creative Endeavours

  • Enhanced Productivity: AI tools streamline creative workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and assist artists in generating ideas, ultimately increasing productivity and efficiency.
  • Innovative Exploration: It enables artists to explore new creative avenues, experiment with different styles and techniques, and push the boundaries of traditional artistic practices.
  • Collaborative Potential: It facilitates collaboration between human creators and intelligent systems, fostering interdisciplinary partnerships and inspiring new forms of creative expression.
  • Quality Improvement: They improve the quality and consistency of artistic output, enhancing aspects such as sound quality, visual effects, and narrative coherence.
  • Accessibility: It makes creative processes more accessible to individuals with varying skill levels, backgrounds, and abilities, democratizing participation in the arts and expanding opportunities for expression.


Ethical Issues

  • Artistic Integrity: AI-generated content may raise concerns about preserving the authenticity and integrity of artistic expression, particularly when it is difficult to discern between human-created and AI-generated works.
  • Consent and Ownership: Questions arise regarding the rights of artists, creators, and participants involved in AI-driven projects, including issues related to intellectual property, ownership, and consent for using personal data or creative contributions.
  • Preservation vs. Exploitation: While AI can revive historical voices or artistic styles, ethical considerations arise concerning whether such efforts aim to preserve cultural heritage or exploit the identities and legacies of individuals for commercial gain.
  • Impact on Creativity and Innovation: The widespread adoption of AI in creative industries may have implications for human creativity and innovation, potentially leading to homogenization, loss of diversity, or reliance on formulaic approaches.
  • Regulatory Oversight: The lack of regulatory measures presents challenges in safeguarding privacy and preventing discrimination, necessitating compliance, enforcement, and adaptation to evolving technologies.


Way Forward

  • Ensure transparency and disclosure in AI-driven creative processes, including clear attribution of AI-generated content and obtaining informed consent from all involved parties.
  • Uphold the authenticity and integrity of artistic expression, acknowledging the contributions of human creators and respecting their rights to control and be properly credited for their work.
  • Develop ethical guidelines and best practices for the ethical use of AI in creative endeavours, addressing issues such as consent, ownership, fairness, and accountability.
  • Advocate for regulatory oversight and governance mechanisms to ensure compliance with ethical standards and protect the rights and interests of individuals involved in AI-driven creative projects.
  • Empower education and awareness to enhance understanding of AI ethics among all stakeholders, enabling informed decision-making and advocacy for ethical practices in the creative industries.
  • Tags :
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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